Reconstruction of student homes of the Technical University of Košice

Заказчик:Technical University of Košice
Подрядчик:Chemkostav, a.s.
Время реализации:Август, 2019 - Февраль, 2020


The reconstruction of TUKE in Part 1 is an exterior renewal, that is represented by a complete renovation of the building consisting of thermal insulation of both longitudinal facades, thermal insulation of both gable facades, thermal insulation of the foundations along the perimeter of the building, new waterproofing of the roof cladding, logging remediation, , new metal finishing of the flooring and complete replacement of railings, thermal insulation of the front loggias, as well as restoration of surface finish of other areas of the loggia walls, replacement of the filling structures of windows in both facades, completion of complex replacement of residential and loggia windows.